Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Christ in Me

A few weeks ago I was reading
a familiar verse from the book of Galatians:
“I have been crucified with Christ.
It is no longer I who live,
 but Christ who lives in me.
And the life I now live in the flesh
 I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me.”

The line “Christ who lives in me”
hit me in a new way. 
The truth of it.
 The power of it. 
The humility of it.

It turned into a poem.

I’ve written very little poetry in my life,
so I feel vulnerable sharing it here.

But I’m hoping it will bless someone this week before Easter.
There is such POWER in Christ’s death and resurrection!
But it comes only in joining Him in His surrender.

Surrender is hard.
It’s scary.
But it is safe.

His love for you will not fail.

If someone can love us this much,
giving our lives to Him is only reasonable.

Christ in Me

I gave my life to you my Lord,
Surrendered, yielded, bowed my knee.
It was no longer I who lived,
But it was Christ who lived in me.

But there are times I snatch life back,
My fear, my pain, my false control.
I wander from my Lord and God,
Who gave His life to make mine whole.

So I must choose to lay it down,
Each day, my self, my soul, my will.
To take my cross, the one He chose,
And walk like Him to Calvary’s hill.

Then when my heart spills real and good,
With truth, with love, humility,
I cannot own the smallest praise,
It is you, Christ, who lives in me.

1 comment:

  1. I love this poem! It is a beautiful picture of what God is doing in your heart. Keep writing poetry!!


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