Wednesday, April 10, 2019

A Bit of Spring Poetry

 April is Poetry Month.
I’ve loved poetry for as long as I can remember.
I think it started with my Mamma reading us poems
from the Childcraft book, Poems of Early Childhood.
That began a love for collecting
books of poetry – especially old ones.
My “grown up” books are still all boxed up
since our move.
They’re waiting for shelving.
(I’ve dreamed up a little “library” made
from the space that was a laundry closet
in the old part of our house.
Sometimes the dreams take a little longer
than the more pressing realities of life.)

Yesterday I asked my daughters
if they’d help me out with some poetry.
Cassia picked out this poem
from the same old Childcraft book
my Mamma used to read to me.

The tulips now are pushing up
Like small green knuckles through the ground.
The grass is young and doubtful yet.
The robin takes a look around.
And if you listen you can hear
Spring laughing with a windy sound.

Kadence enjoys writing poetry,
so I asked if she’d write a poem.
After school she took her little brother on walk to the farm
and came up with this somewhere along the way.


A bird is flitting in the trees,
I feel a soft and springy breeze.
I feel a little hand in mine,
In front of me is a big green pine.
I stop to pick a Redbud blossom,
My God’s creation is SO awesome.
The chickens run to greet us too,
The sky is clear and bright and blue.
The horses stop beside the gate,
And whinnying, they stand and wait.
It’s nice to walk on a warm spring day,
And listed to the horses neigh.

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.”
Psalm 100:1

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