Here at the end of winter’s
clinging gray I find myself craving brightness.
And color.
I want to photograph
things in the sun’s light.
I was doing a search
in my mind through the house for bright, clear colors.
Objects to capture
through the camera.
My house is full of
calm things.
Color palettes taken
from the field and woods.
Warm tones of green
and brown.
Shades that have no
competition between them but melt and merge like shades of nature.
But surviving winter
makes a soul begin to wake and want a little something
new and alive.
So I searched and
found a few things with bright color.

A small jar with random beads collected in it.
A petal/leaf from a coral colored poinsettia.
The lonely half of a salt and pepper set given to me by my sister in law.
She found it in a thrift store and thought it unique enough to match me.
(Although I believe the word she used was “strange”.J)
I considered it a compliment and I love it.
A sweet and juicy orange. One of the good things about winter.
A jar of magnetic letters from the girl’s room.
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Psalm 34:8
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